Saturday, November 23, 2013

Don't judge me at the stoplight

Years ago we went to a local pizza place with another couple.  They had a juke box and while we were sitting there talking, a song with a really good beat came on.  We thought the song was saying 'Bob Greasy' and we could not figure out who would make a song about 'Bob Greasy'.  I don't know if it was the pepperoni or what, but we absolutely could not stop laughing.  We could not catch our breath or stop snorting about this song.  It never occurred to us to go look at the number/letter of the song playing to find out the real name. 

This morning I heard that song on the radio as I sat in my car at the stoplight.  I was immediately taken back over 30 years ago to that night when we heard that song.  My reaction in the car was the same as it was at the pizza place. 

I have a niece who always thought that 'Stop in the Name of Love' was really 'Stop in the Neighborhood'.  While I am glad that she was observing the driving rules at the age of 5 or 6, I wonder why someone didn't tell her what the real words were. 

I once heard someone say that they thought the song 'Islands in the Stream' was really 'I Live in the Street'.  Would it really be possible that someone would live in the street?  If they pitched a tent, would they pull it up every time a car came down the road? 

If you see me at the stoplight and I am laughing, don't judge.  I am singing a song from my past and I probably don't know the words.

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